In early beta versions of the MacOS8.1 Finders, the Special menu has different titles. Version 8.1b4c8 shows "Smile" in place of "Special" while version "8.1b2c3" displays "Luscious".
Also in a beta version go into STR# ID -20573. At string 1 it says "Where_have_all_my_files_gone?" String 2 says "Localized wrapper Read Me!" (from Dan Berger)
MacOS8Ô£ø Code Name: Allegro
Despite all the hype about MacOS8, it has relatively few easter eggs. As of right now, there is no secret about box or any other major easter egg like those in previous systems. Apple is trying their best to make the System as stable as possible. Removing easter eggs has been one of many ways to do that. Sytem 8 no longer has the Blue Meanies' hidden text, but this is to be expected–the Blue Meanies were System 7 engineers. So, this is all I have…
In The Resource
In the System File's STR resource, there is a new string, -16572, that says "Output sifter based on the DAV Audio Driver. This beast does not touch hardware directly in an attempt to be more portable."
In the CICN resource, at ID -20204, you will see the winking Mac you see above. Ô£øMacAddict says that at just the moment the smiling Mac appeared on start-up, it was supposed to wink at you. Afraid that the wink might be offensive to other cultures, they removed the code but left the icon.
The Next Secret About Box?
In pre-release versions of OS 8, a secret about box could be accessed by holding down Command-Option-Control and selecting "About the User Experience Team..." from the Apple menu. The screen would then be cleared and the MacOS face would come up. On top of this background over-sized, pixelated icons of bugs and system icons would fade in and out along with credits of those who worked on the OS. The whole show took several minutes and would loop endlessly until the mouse was clicked or a button pressed. (From MacAddict)
Sadly though, it seems to have disappeared... with one exception:
Going into the Finder with ResEdit, go to the hmnu resource. At IDs 514 and 545, you will find listed "About this Computer...", "About the Finder...", and finally "About the User Experience Team...". Also, to support my theory that the egg still exists, there is also a User Experience Team balloon help string that appears when "About the User Experience Team..." is highlighted.
MacOS 7.6Ô£ø
Code Name: Harmony
Somewhere, for some reason, in System 7.6 it says "Bluets and Granola Bars, Make a chewy snack." It was a potential easter egg that was supposed to be displayed instead of "Welcome to Macintosh..." at startup. However, it appears now that, for the most part, the egg only shows-up at accidental and awkward times, usually when something in the start-up process is glitchy.
Note: The Blue Meanies text did not change, or was modified very slightly.
MacOS 7.5.3
System 7.5.3 Revision 2 Code Name: Buster (ex-CEO Gil Amelio's high school nickname) & Son of Buster
System Update 2.0
Code Name: Thag (from Gary Larson's Cartoon)
From: Steve Myers (
When opening the System with a text program like BBEdit, you will find some interesting messages. There are also many other programs (MacSnoop, MacTools, MS Word, CanOpener) that will open any application or file, such as the System file.
The Blue Meanies hit again in the release of System 7.5.3. This text can be seen in the file "System 7.5 Update" and "System 7.5.2 Update" (PCI Macs) with a text reader.
Mercenaries hit the factory and freed the prisoners.
On contract:
Wendy Chiou
Doug Clark
[more credits continue...]
Freed, armed, and dangerous:
Eric3 Anderson
Clinton Bauder
[more credits continue...]
Released before the raid:
Giovanni Agnoli
William Berry
[more credits continue...]
Sam Barone
Lars Borresen
[more credits continue...]
Who dares wins.
Also Appearing...
The following eggs are in the designated STR resource ID's of the System Update 2.0 file:
-16572: Output sifter based on the DAV Audio Driver. This beast does not touch hardware directly in an attempt to be more portable.
-20030: Singer Sound Chip hardware specific support. Controls the hardware interrupt and calls up the sound component chain to get audio data for the hardware. Jim Reekes calls this the spatula.
Ô£øInstaller Humor
From: Ross Karchner (
When installing System 7.5.3 off of the CD, about 7/8 of the way through the installation process, the the line that lists what the installer is doing says "Making Your Macintosh Happy". This may show-up in other installations too.
MacOS 7.5.2
System 7.5.2 Code Name: Marconi (named after Guglielmo Marconi, 19th century Italian engineer)
Ô£øSystem 7.5.2 Blue Meanies
These were found in the Resource fork of the "System" file (version 7.5.2):
Help! Help! He's STILL being held prisoner in a system software factory!
The Blue Meanie:
Brian McGhie
Serving time for 7.5 crimes:
Giovanni Agnoli
Rob lunatic Moore
[more credits continue...]
Serving time for 7.5.1 crimes:
Eric Hewitt
Darren Litzinger
Eric Rapin
Serving time for 7.5.2 crimes:
William Berry
Dave Evans
[more credits continue...]
Sam Barone
Lars Borresen
[more credits continue...]
John Yen
Will the last person to leave please turn off the lights?
MacOS 7.5 & 7.5.1
System 7.5 Blue Meanies
System 7.5 Code Name: Capone (Apple hopes that like the famous gangster, Capone will strike fear into the hearts of Chicago, Microsoft’s code name for Windows 95)
When opening the System 7.5 System file with a text reader, you will see this message:
Help! Help! He's STILL being held prisoner in a system software factory!
The Blue Meanie:
Brian McGhie
Also serving time: 
Giovanni Agnoli
Eric3 Anderson
[more credits continue...]
and Tristan Farnon (because he paid us ten bucks)
Lars Borresen
Scott Boyd
Jaime Cummins
Brad Post
Will the last person to leave please turn off the lights?
[Unreadable text and then the same text in the Threads Manager Extension]
Note: When opening System 7.1 and earlier versions, you will receive a similar message but instead there are various “Blue Meanies”. Check it out, it’s pretty fun.
   System Update 1.0
Code Name: Danook
In "System 7.5 Update" (should be in System Folder if you
updated your computer to 7.5.1) there are the same names as
the System file, above, with these additions:
Also serving time: Sam Barone, Ian Hendry, Paul Wolf Mercenary: John Yen
MacOS 7.5 and Up
From: Charles DiFazio (
Open up your System file (any version including and after System 7.5) with ResEdit. In the lefT resource open up 'ID 0'. The text inside includes "Lefty's Magic Gibbly-Duplicating Resource". If you remember, Gibbly is the code name for the System Enabler. Find some more information under "Gibbly" in the chapter "Interesting Tidbits".
System Resources
In the Strs Resource of the System, open the ID's below to see what Jim Reekes thinks of Apple hardware. I'm scared to see what's in his kitchen.
-6583: Apple Sound Chip hardware specific support. Controls the hardware interrupt and calls up the sound component chain to get audio data for the ASC. Jim Reekes calls this the spatula.
-16579: Utility audio data converter, goes forwards, backwards, changes 8 bit data into 16, 16 into 8, offset binary into twos compliment, twos into offset, it slices, it dices.
-16569: Awacs Sound Chip hardware specific support. Controls the hardware interrupt and calls up the sound component chain to get audio data for the AWACS. Jim Reekes calls this the spatula.
-6580: This is glue between the sound component chain and the sound manager. It gets more audio data when more is requested. Jim Reekes calls this the fridge.
Note: These also appear in the Strs resource of PC Enabler and System 7.5 Update files.
Also, crack open the i2c resource and look at ID -16783 (the only one). Scroll alway the way to bottom to see "Begin Egret Glue". Ô£ø"Egret" is the code-name for the new clock chip introduced in the Classic II and LC II. "Glue" is the a type of code for driver software. From: Dave Fernandez (
Ô£øThen, take a look in the MENU resource. One of the menus says "Maura", -16489, and the other should say "rAndy", -16490. From: Dan Berger (
Happy New Year!
From: Nobuhiko Yoshida (Nobu_Yoshida@MAILHOST.NET)
In system 6.0.7J->7.5.2J (KanjiTalk) "Welcome to Macintosh" is replaced by “Happy New Year” in Japanese from January 1 through January 3 every year. The secret message can be seen on any Mac, wherever manufacured, if KanjiTalk is installed.